The Story Never Truly Told

Directed by Mike Wivell

Screening: Friday, 9/27 @ 3:00pm | Run Time: 52 min


"The Story Never Truly Told" is a fascinating documentary that sheds light on the remarkable story of the bison's revival from near extinction, with a particular focus on the crucial role played by Canada and the Pablo Allard Herd. Through this important film, viewers will discover how this iconic species once teetered on the brink of extinction, but was brought back from the edge of the abyss through dedicated conservation efforts.

The film explores the contributions of the Pablo Allard Herd in helping to secure the bison's survival. These dedicated ranchers played a vital role in protecting a small but resilient group of bison, which eventually became the foundation of the thriving bison population we know today.

Additionally, the documentary offers a corrected narrative regarding the origins of the bison calves sold to Michel Pablo and Charles Allard, with Roy Bigcrane setting the record straight. Contrary to popular belief, it was not Samuel Walking Coyote who captured the calves but rather Roy Bigcrane's ancestor, Latatitsa. This important historical detail adds a new layer of depth and richness to the bison's conservation story and underscores the importance of honouring the contributions of all those involved in preserving this keystone species.

Director Statement

Mike Wivell was raised in London, England, and relocated to Canada later in life. Prior to his move, he worked as a Police Officer in the Metropolitan Police and was also a SCUBA Instructor, which allowed him to explore various diving spots around the world. During his time as a diver, Mike began filming his underwater adventures with a camcorder and underwater housing. However, due to other commitments, he was unable to pursue filmmaking as a full-time career until he started his own video services business in Canada.

After settling near Elk Island National Park, just outside of Edmonton, Mike developed a fascination with the bison that inhabited the area. This led him to travel across Canada for the next five years, producing documentaries that not only focus on the bison but also delve into the history associated with them, as well as with the First Nations people. Mike’s latest film, titled “The Story Never Truly Told,” is currently being showcased at various film festivals, and will soon be available for purchase or rental.

Mike Wivell