Living in the Future’s Past

Screening: Thursday, 9/26 @ 2:45pm | Run Time: 1hr 40 min

Directed by Susan Kucera


Academy Award® Winner, Jeff Bridges presents this beautifully photographed tour de force of original thinking on who we are and the environmental challenges we face.

Bridges, alongside prominent scientists and authors, weaves evolution, emergence, entropy, dark ecology, and what some are calling the end of nature, into a story that helps us understand our place among the species of Earth’s household. The film upends our way of thinking and provides original insights into our subconscious motivations, the unintended consequences, what to do about our fossil slaves, and how our fundamental animal nature influences our future as Humankind.

Director Statement

I met General Clark and his son Wes Jr. while filming Susan is a documentarian and cinematographer who has produced and directed several films in wide release including Trading on Thin Air starring Alex Cockburn, For the Love of Tango starring Broadway’s Forever Tango star Jorge Torres and Award-winning Breath of Life featuring Richard Dawkins. In her films, Susan has collaborated with artists, authors, and scientists from around the world to bring artistic appreciation and scientific reasoning to social issues.

Jim Swift is a producer of films and documentaries. He holds a PHD in Psychology and is a leader in building farm and food initiatives for an uncertain future. Jim got the whole project in motion. Jim lives in Montana.

Susan Kucera