Directed by Nate Kenney & Brian White

Coldiron and the Cabinets

Screening: Thursday, 9/26 @ 1:00pm | Run Time: 14 min


Gulf war veteran, Scott Coldiron, recovers from nerve gas poisoning and goes on to find community and world class ice climbing in Montana's remote Cabinet Mountains.

Director Statement

The best thing you can ever get from adventure is friendship.

Scott Coldiron found new routes and a new community while exploring Montana's remote Cabinet mountains. The exploration of the cabinet range was Scott's life coming full circle from growing up in an impoverished family feeling like an outcast while longing to explore the snowy peaks around him. Scotts first exposure to the Cabinet mountains was while working on a tree planting crew at age 15. Scott dreamed of exploring the snowy peaks of the cabinet range but alpinism felt too eliteist and out of reach.

Scott went on to serve in the Gulf War. His unit was exposed to nerve gas. Upon returning home the gas triggered an autoimmune disease leading Scott down a 6 year long fight against crippling pain.

After overcoming the disease Scott made a commitment to living his best life and following his dream of exploring the mountains. His love of climbing drew him back to the Cabinet mountains where he found the motherlode of unclimbed ice and alpine routes.

During the process of exploring these mountains Scott found more than adventure as he built a community of climbers who shared his passion for exploration.

Nate Kenney