The Need to Grow

Directed by Rob Herring & Ryan Wirick

Screening: Saturday, 9/28 @ 2:45pm | Run Time: 1hr 36 min


THE NEED TO GROW offers an intimate look into the hearts of activists and innovators in the food movement - an 8 year old girl challenges the ethics of a beloved organization - a renegade farmer struggles to keep his land as he revolutionizes resource efficient agriculture - and an accomplished visionary inventor faces catastrophe in the midst of developing a game-changing technology.

Director Statement

Herring states, “The Need To GROW is an underdog story that the world needs desperately right now. The way the environmental heroes in this story overcome challenges is an important metaphor for how so many of us are feeling regarding ecological issues. It’s a chance for viewers to not only learn about urgent problems in our food system - but more so to embrace the astonishing potential of healthy soil as a climate solution. This is why we decided to give the film away as a gift to the world. The conversation needs to change.”

Rob Herring