
Directed by Regina Simons

Screening: Saturday, 9/28 @ 11:30am | Run Time: 8 min


At the center is Cheyenne Deer, a talented and successful actor, convinced she is entitled to more than the world has given her, including passing as Native American. Cheyenne has always been told she is "ethnically ambiguous," so she feels there is nothing wrong with performing or playing the part of another race. Lines blur between fiction and reality for Cheyenne as she slips on the mask of deceit. After all, people see what they want to see.

Director Statement

Stories are powerful, and the diverse human experiences of our collective universe must be told through film. My professional goals are to write, produce, and direct films that shed light on previously unheard and unknown human voices.

My father is an enrolled member of the Assiniboine Nation, and my mother is an enrolled member of the Navajo Nation. I am enrolled in the Navajo Nation.

Having worked in front of the camera as a performer since the age of five, I have often been frustrated by the lack of adequate roles offered (or available) to Native Americans. This frustration motivates me to action as I continue learning the technical aspects of filmmaking and work to create the content I’ve been searching for on-screen.

Many of us have seen Native American people in films, but most of the stories are told from an outside narrative, a non-Native perspective. Representation is important. Film is such a mass medium and dramatically impacts the ideas that circulate in our society.

My love of learning, curiosity, and on-the-job work experience prepared me for a meaningful career in film. I believe filmmaking can help move society from one level of consciousness to another—opening minds, healing hearts, and improving our world.

Regina Simmons